Background of the KRSCI Establishment
연구자 신희준은 2012년 구미 휴글로브사 불산 누출 재난을 연구하며
향후 비슷한 화학 재난을 대비, 대응하기 위해서는 다음의 영역에서의 관점이 필요함을 깨닫게 되었습니다.
예방 의학 (개인적 사회적 데미지의 대비, 완화)
직업환경의학 (장기적 대응, 추적 관찰 코호트, 작업장 종사자 검사 및 관리)
재난의학 (사회적 관점으로서 완화, 대비, 대응, 및 복구의 4단계 재난 관리)
임상독성학 (개인의 관점으로서 독성의 치료)
화학사고는 대량살상이 용이한 특성을 갖고 있습니다.
화학사고로 인한 Total package 치료는 각각의 학문영역의 교집합에 있습니다.
이러한 영역들의 교집합을 통합적으로 연구하고 교육을 만들어 시행하는
의학적 학문의 접근방식이 필요하다는 인식이 본 연구회의 조직의 기초가 되었습니다 .
Researcher Heejun Shin studied the hydrofluoric acid leak disaster of Hub Globe Company in Gumi in 2012 and realized that in order to prepare for and respond to similar chemical disasters in the future, the following perspectives are needed.
Preventive medicine (Preparation and mitigation of personal and social damage)
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Long Term Response, Follow-Up Cohort, Inspection and Management of Workplace Workers)
Disaster medicine (Four stages of disaster management from a social perspective: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery)
Clinical toxicology (Treatment of Toxicity as an Individual Perspective)
Chemical accidents are characterized by easy mass destruction.
Total package treatment for chemical accidents is at the intersection of each academic field. The recognition of the need for an approach in medical science that integrates research on the intersection of these areas and creates and implements education became the basis of the organization of this KRSCI.
# Purpose of the KRSCI establishment
- To elucidate the mechanism of chemical injury (poisoning + physical trauma),
- A medical perspective as individual injury treatment,
- With a social perspective as prevention and treatment of group exposure,
- By developing treatment and response guidelines for chemical damage,
- It aims to minimize social and personal harm caused by chemical damage.
- In addition to these, the KRSCI group has decided to publicize the research on chemical damage more universally, and
- Produce a corresponding education and educate the target group.